18 March, 2024

Quotes in homage of the No Kidding blogging community

I love a good quote. Regular readers know that already! I love finding that someone has perfectly, succinctly, eloquently expressed an emotion I have not previously been able to articulate. Or when I read a quote that has expressed a feeling or belief I have had, and I see it validated in print. (If only I could memorise them all when I first read them.) Quotes can go a long way – much further than a too-wordy blogpost! And so, today’s post again highlights thoughts from the insightful Maya Angelou:

“If you are always trying to be normal, you’ll never know how amazing you can be.”

This seems to be made for the No Kidding community. We feel ever so normal until we find we will never have children. All of a sudden, we are isolated, judged, and seen as different. Not normal, even. But look around at our No Kidding blogging community. They embody this quote, and are truly amazing. I hope they know it.

“When you learn, teach, when you get, give.”

As a lifelong learner, I love this. I think it is also a special strength of our blogging community. Going through something difficult teaches us so many things. My Gifts of Infertility series is evidence of how that worked for me. This community gives us so much support when we need it. Passing it on through our blogs, and giving and taking the community support that has grown here, helps many. Teaching as we learn, giving as we get. This is such a good example for our lives.

And last but never least,

“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.”
                                                                                   Maya Angelou




  1. Fantastic finds! That Maya Angelou, so wise and so no-bullshit. Love the quotes, and love you!

  2. I love quotes too. Thanks for sharing these! I really appreciate them.

  3. Thank you, Mali, for sharing.

    I love quotes, too. The last one currently speaks to me the most. I guess I often feel like I have to prove myself. Being enough sounds so much more relaxing ;-).

    Spring greetings from Switzerland,

  4. Brilliantly articulated! Your post is a standout, offering insightful perspectives. Appreciate you sharing your valuable perspective.

  5. All three of these are words to live by. I wish I could have seen that sooner.
