This is my blog on living and loving life without children after
infertility. It is a space for thoughts on my No Kidding lifestyle, the
good and the bad, remembering what was lost, but more particularly,
celebrating what I have. You can read a brief version of My Story here.
I love to hear from readers, and you can email me here:
nokiddinginnz at gmail (dot) com
Or find me on Instagram:
@nokiddinginnzOr find me on Instagram:
Currently I'm a blogger, amateur photographer, and keen traveller. I blog on A Separate Life about my everyday life.
In 2024 we travelled to Ireland, the United Kingdom and Portugal for three months, and I'm recording those travels at My 2024 Travels. Back in 2013 I travelled in Europe and the Middle East for five months, and kept a blog at Lemons to Limoncello.
I also had a travelblog some years ago, but stopped posting in 2012. You can find it at Mali's Travelalphablog.
In 2018, I undertook a daily blogging challenge at x365 Take Two.
In 2024, I had an essay published in an anthology called Otherhood: Essays being childless, childfree and child-adjacent.