31 December, 2012

Last post of the year

New Year's Eve, Wellington, New Zealand.  Only eight hours till the New Year.  The sun is shining, the temperature is warm, our summer project is finally underway, and we still have another 6 days of holiday left.

Christmas Day seems like an age away.  The day went well, and we had unusually hot weather.  Visitors have now all left town, and it is time for us to get onto our New Year projects.  Yes, there were some ouch moments.  (For example, I should know better than to rhetorically ask the question "what's the point of life?" then take a breath before answering "to be kind and happy."   Taking a breath allows an unthinking brother-in-law time to say "to reproduce."  I think I knew that's what would happen, but said it anyway.  And I am becoming a little more antagonistic in my old age, and had a retort ready.)  And with all this sunny warm weather and wide open windows, we have had to endure the sound of neighbourhood families playing backyard cricket with their visitors.  Occasionally that can make the two of us, sitting alone in our quiet house, feel a little melancholy.

But there were also plenty of good moments, enjoying the peace and quiet, the ability to go to bed late and sleep in the next morning, to have afternoon naps (or afternoon delights), and to do whatever we wanted.

And now we face the end of 2012.  2012 has not been great for me.  I've been sick, felt old, and some weight I was hoping to lose has come back tenfold!  I'm finding stress harder to deal with, but wonder if that is because I've been feeling overwhelmed.  And moving some of those things off my to-do list might help with that.  So too will accepting the aging of my mother and in-laws, knowing I can't do anything except deal with it. Acceptance provides a great release and relief, I have discovered in the past, and I attend to embrace it in this coming year. So I'm hopeful for 2013.

And I hope you all have a better 2013 than 2012.  I fully intend to.


  1. I'm in agreement with you about 2012. May 2013 be a better and more hopeful year for both of us.

  2. dear Mali,
    I wish you a perfect 2013!

  3. Dear Mali,
    I have been reading your blog for much of the past year. From afar I feel supported by you: your wisdom, your strength, your vulnerability, your wit, your you-ness!
    I hope that 2013 brings you all good things/more good things: joy, hope, beauty and love...

    1. Thank you so much. You made my day! It is lovely to know there are readers out there who might be silent, but who are nonetheless appreciative.


    Just published above comment and saw the date! Running behind you in UK.

  5. Wishing you much laughter, joy and happiness in 2013.
    I adore you!

  6. May 2013 hold great joy and health!

  7. Hoping that 2013 is a much better year for us all.

  8. Happy (slightly belated) new year, Mali. You and your blogs are such an inspiration! I hope that 2013 brings you many good things.

  9. It wasn't the worst, but it wasn't the best year for me either. Onward & upward to better things for both of us!

  10. Happy New Year to you...LOVE your take on 2013. Here's to a hopeful 2013! :-D

  11. I have a good feeling about 2013! Wishing you and all here the very best...
