Well, it's been a miserable couple of weeks. As of yesterday, I was still testing positive. I've had a lot of severe pain, both because covid triggered another pain condition I have, and for sinus pain. I still had a bout of that today, though yesterday was better, but overall I think I'm improving! DH has tested positive, took paxlovid (he qualified under our health system, and I didn't) and is now negative again and has been out on the golf course with his buddies. Doesn't seem fair!
So I'm just grateful that I didn't have to put on a brave face for anyone over this festive season, and that I could be thoroughly miserable and look after myself. But it was a bit hard seeing all the "happy" wishes on social media, and the happy faces with the extended families. It's New Year's Eve tonight, a festival I dislike because of its forced celebration, but again, I have an excuse not to be celebrating. Besides, it's cold and raining (yes, it's summer, but this is NZ and our weather is nothing if not unpredictable), so a cosy night with some binge watching will be just what the doctor ordered.
I do want to say I'm grateful you are still reading, and that there are new voices popping up from time to time. I'm hoping 2025 will be wonderful for you all, but if not, that there will be pockets of love and joy and friendship that help you through, just as you help me through. Sending love.