08 June, 2015

#MicroblogMondays: Blog posts I won't be writing

When I am at a loss for a blog topic over on A Separate Life, I have a couple of times written a list of blog prompts (sent to me weekly on an email list) that I won’t be using for ablog post. I have so far managed to hide (I think) my frustration at the number of “you as a parent” suggestions, but don’t feel the need to do so here on No Kidding.

Here is a  selection of the “parent” posts I won’t be writing, with my suggestions of an alternative title, creating a suggested post that is so much more inclusive, and that one day I might write:
  1. Write a poem inspired by the last conversation you had with your a child.
  2. List 10 things you love about motherhood having children in your life.
  3. List 10 things you never knew until you were a mom an adult/in your 30s/infertile.
  4. Describe a time your toddler a child or your pet got into something they shouldn’t have.
  5. Something you learned from your a child. (I write this one every time I see my niece Charlie.)


  1. I definitely prefer your alternative post suggestions! I could write one on the topic of #4 inspired by today's events, in fact.

  2. I didn't even know there were email list for blog topics! And I'm puzzled: the handwriting in the picture, is that from the email? Or did you write it yourself and then photograph?
    But lists like this would explain why people keep writing things like this; maybe it simply means they were uninspired, rather than convinced this is interesting to anyone.

    1. The handwriting in the picture is my own, photographed (poorly).

    2. The title should have told me that, and while I'm not a poetry person, your handwriting looks like a poem in itself!

  3. I like your augmented list much better!

  4. Want to hear about your niece!!

    1. I've linked to the Charlie posts on A Separate Life. You'll regret saying that!

  5. It just goes to show how easy it is to be more inclusive, if we only give it a little thought. :)

  6. It's funny, but I usually find it much more interesting when people talk about themselves as a child. What about those prompts?

  7. I love your edits to these prompts. So much more inclusive and interesting.

  8. Amazing just how many prompts related to motherhood/parenting/one's own child(ren). Loving your tweaked-up topics. And I love what Mel said about people talk about themselves as a child. :-)
