09 September, 2024

Monday Miscellaneous: No Kidding version

I've been a bit slack about keeping up with certain people this year. You know how you get to a stage when you leave it so long that the phone call is going to be a big deal? Or maybe you don't! I've never liked phone calls - I love face-to-face zooms when they're scheduled, and text chats keeping up with activities and news, but I hate being the one who has to phone! (At least in 2024, it is acceptable and easy to text/whatsapp etc first to see when someone is free.) I think my phone phobia comes from growing up with a party line. When we were little, we knew it was possible that neighbours could listen in (although most never did, one nosy neighbour was known to do it). So using the phone never came naturally. So, to get back to the point, I've been slack at phoning. But equally, we don't seem to have crossed their minds either, as they go about visiting children and grandchildren near and far, and living their family-filled lives. Fortunately, that is not representative of all my family and friends. It's a reminder though of how easily we can be isolated when we don't have kids. 

Otherhood is available worldwide! By early August, it was sold out on Amazon UK, and sold out on the Barnes & Noble site. But they're restocking. Feel free to request it from your bookstore. And one day, I just might come and sign it for you! lol  (Apologies for the blatant promotion!)

I still have great intentions to write about the other Otherhood essays, and the issues they brought up for me, and the aha moments I had when reading them. I still glow in the overwhelming feeling of togetherness and community I feel with the other contributors, whether or not they identify as childfree or childless or everything in between. Much like I feel with all my No Kidding readers and fellow bloggers, whether or not you are Not Kidding.

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