27 April, 2012

We're not being ignored this week

The other day I read Nicole's post "My blog featured on The Huffington Post" and was so excited for her.  It was one of my favourite posts, and had prompted a lot of discussion in our community.  Later when I was lounging downstairs in an armchair with my iPad, I opened my HuffPost ap, and there, the first item on the Women's section, was Nicole's post.  I felt an overwhelming pride that I "knew" her.

Then last night I had a look again, and smiled.  There was Lisa, from Life Without Baby!  I laughed in delight, the same warm feeling of pride I feel when I see Pamela quoted. And I realised that I really do feel part of this community, especially this small group of amazing women who are courageously forging happy and fulfilling lives without children in a children-focused world.  I realised I see their successes as my successes, and was so happy for them.

Then I got an email that astounded me.  And now I too am featured on The Huffington Post, a post I originally wrote for Pamela's Silent Sorority blog.   It's all a bit scary - I have explained why on A Separate Life here (as it seemed appropriate to the Don't Ignore theme of NIAW) - not least because there is a photo and my real name.  No longer am I exotic Mali, but boring ... well ... you'll have to read my Huff Post piece.


  1. Ha. That's hilarious, you've 'outed' yourself, and if I tell you I'm originally have a weak but obvious Scouse accent, I am potentially heading towards that outside exit myself?

    yay for getting yourself into the huffPost!

  2. feel free to delete that above comment, or not, I didn't want to reply to your comment on my journal there!

  3. Woohoo!! That's FABULOUS!! Way to go, Mali (I think you'll always be Mali to me, lol...).

    By the way, my blog is back up again. ; ) I said to dh, "I think I'll bring it back up tomorrow," and he said, "Why wait?"

  4. You did it! I have been waiting since you told me in a comment you were thinking about it. Great article.

  5. Lovely, lovely article by a truly strong and resilient person! So glad you were able to redefine yourself and your goals after facing infertility. You are an inspiration!

  6. Congrats! Great article - I'm not always pleased with HuffPo, but I'm glad to see them featuring different points of view. Usually, it's about crazy women.

    1. Thank you for assuming I'm not a crazy woman!

  7. that's so great!!!! love the Huffington Post! CONGRATS!

  8. How exciting! I will have to take a look at this soon!

  9. Congrats!! So happy for you. The Women's Editor asked me if I had your email, as she wanted to republish something of yours. I am so glad it worked out. I am so glad for all the lovely coverage we've received this week and at the outpouring of positive responses we've received!

  10. I am so excited! I was just telling hubby last night, all my "girls" are being featured this week on the Huffington post!! I am so proud of you and thrilled I can call you my girlfriends

  11. Yeah! You're outed! How are you feeling?! Do you have butterflies in your stomach? So good to see all the discussion taking place on HuffPo. This is fabulous! Well done...

  12. Yay, I really enjoyed the article and then was excited when I realised who had written the piece!

  13. WOWWWW...CONGRATS! Just read your post and I LOOOOVVEDDDD it! :-D

  14. That's awesome!! I nominated you for One Lovely Blog Award over on my blog!

  15. What an awesome opportunity to share your experience with others who might be going through the same.

  16. All good articles. Thank you for sharing. Of course - I was stupid and went and read some of the comments. I should have saved myself some time and just banged my head against the wall instead.

  17. congrats!!!! that is a great post, and I feel so much pride thinking - hey I know that voice!!! and those blogs:) But man, I think i'd have to take a few deep breaths if my real name and links to my blog posts were so prominently out there! Wow!

    congrats again, I am so happy that you were recognized. And I think I'll just skip the comments over there for this afternoon. I think a cup of tea is more what I need.today... have a great day!!!

  18. Thanks everyone for your support!
