26 October, 2012

We can find peace

Another quote:

Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace. 
– Dalai Lama

As I write this in advance, I'm assuming I am finding some inner peace on my holiday.  I'll be home soon, and will report then.


  1. Hope you've found it. Report back on what inner peace is like :-)

  2. Looking forward to your report. LOVE the quote! :-D

  3. I use to let others behaviors enter my daily life, but since my last and final miscarriage, I have changed the way I look at what is important in life. I now choose wisely on what I let enter it and what isn't worth my time and energy that would end up draining my inner peace. I so hope you are enjoying your holiday and looking forward to your report.

  4. Needed to hear that today. Still have to find a balance between caring about a stepteen and not have his (mothers?) rejection affect me.
    Wondering though, if nature brings me peace, then there are no others, so no behaviour around me. Would that mean that that kind of peace is not inner peace?

  5. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip!
