21 March, 2022

Putting our yearning on a shelf

I saw a graphic this morning that I really wanted to share with you, but it wasn't credited, and had been copied and edited, and I'm uncomfortable with using someone else's work Effectively, it was about acceptance, in an entirely different context. 

It comes down to the simple idea that acceptance is not fighting against the facts of our lives. Acceptance is simply recognising what those facts are. Then getting on with life.

That's the first step. For many of us, acceptance then takes a further step towards embracing our lives as they are, and seeing what they can be. And as we know, they can be beautiful. 

I'm really sorry - the graphic would have made this point much more succintly, and would have made you smile!

But in a previous post several years ago, a commenter (and former blogger) Jamie, summed it all up rather beautifully as follows:

"Sometimes it's hard to let go and you have to do so on your own timeline. However, happiness is what you miss out on when the yearning is too big. I think that is why I took a break. While the yearning was lessening, it was far too present. I needed to put it up on the shelf to allow myself to be more than and to make more space for happiness."


  1. This is as helpful as it is beautiful.

  2. So lovely!

    This, too: "For many of us, acceptance then takes a further step towards embracing our lives as they are, and seeing what they can be."
    Acceptance is hard work, but so worth it.
