08 August, 2023

Quotes and Memes: Learning from others

I don’t always agree with memes and quotes I see around social media. In fact, I often disagree with them. Or despair at the way they have been misappropriated. And I often shake my head when someone uses them to imply that they are correct on a particular issue, but I feel that the meme actually points out the reasons why the exact opposite is true. But don’t get me started on that! Occasionally though, I will screenshot one that I think applies to our No Kidding lives. Here are a couple:

One I saw recently (unattributed) asked us to,

“Think about how much you’ve grown since the event you thought would end you.”

I loved that. Most of us have grown an enormous amount since we realised – slowly or abruptly – that we were never going to have children. Some people get stuck, forever grieving, unable to accept or move forwards. But most don’t. I for one have learned resilience, gratitude, self-compassion and compassion for others, courage, acceptance, and much more. Even in the midst of my grief, I learned to find joy in small things, to appreciate what I have, and to accept that which could not be changed. I see this every day in other bloggers too. We grow, even when we’re in pain, even if we didn’t want to grow this way. And after a while, that growth brings joy and confidence and freedom. We can appreciate the growth, even if we do not appreciate the circumstances that led to that growth.

Another meme quoting a poet, Camille Dungy, gave us good advice – whether you are a writer or not.

“Beware of being so certain of what you want to say that you stop yourself from learning what you need to discover.”

I have found this time and time again as I have written this blog, and read other blogs. Often I will start a blog on a specific topic, and by the time I have ended I discover I’ve said something quite different to what I had expected. Indeed, sometimes my conclusions are the exact opposite of what I set out to say! Writing gives me time to think, and helps me figure out what I really want to say, what I mean, and what I actually think and believe. I am thankful that here in the welcoming and compassionate and wise No Kidding community, I have been given the space to explore my thoughts and feelings, and to expand my understanding and knowledge of the world and myself. Too often, elsewhere, we are unable to work things through like that, for fear of what other people might think, say, or how they might judge. I am forever grateful that blogging-land has given me the chance to learn who I am, and what values are important to me.


  1. I love both these quotes! Especially the second one, in the fraught times we live in. Growth and open-mindedness, both lovely gifts!

  2. Oh that first quote. I was at graduation today and leaned over and said to my friend and classmate that was sitting next to me: "I can't believe I'm here. Graduating. I mean, I barely left my house for years." It's amazing what can come after.

  3. Change happens. We may or not like it but it will happen. And we will change also as a result. I like to think I have grown.

  4. I want to thank you for that first one, because I realize upon reading it that dang, I have overcome a lot! And I also love your take on the second one. Writing a blog has stretched me and grown me in ways I could not have foreseen in 2007 when I started, for the reasons you state. As I start to explore an idea, *I* change. I grow.

    I'm so grateful for you being in this space, Mali.

  5. I too love being able to "think out loud on paper/screen," to explore what it really is that I want to say & what I mean, and to hone & polish my thoughts into something (relatively! lol) coherent before pressing "publish" -- no such luck when I'm asked to come up with an opinion on the spot!
